Pill testing saves lives Campaign!

Five young Australians have died in the last 5 months taking illegal drugs at music festivals. In 2017 seven young Australians died of drug-related causes at music events.
Would pill testing save lives or as politicians tell us, just encourage young people to use drugs?
What do you think?
This is despite a massive effort by police who used sniffer dogs to patrol most events and set up roadblocks to search patrons on arrival.
Clearly, the current approach of banning drugs and criminalising drug users did not save seven families the horror of losing a child.
Is there a better way to minimise ecstasy related deaths at music festivals?
Would pill testing actually save lives of just encourage drug use?
What do you think?
Is the war on drugs is killing our young Australians?
More information.
Recreational MDMA testing - a European perspective
Over 2 million Australians have used Ecstasy in their lifetime and 500,000 have used it in the last 12 months?
Figures from the National Drug Strategy Householder Survey Report 2013 by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
The full report: http://www.aihw.gov.au/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx…
Drugs are destructive - but criminalisation has proven to be worse- ABC
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