There is a better way to regulate the use of drugs in Australia.

  • A way that supports Australians who use drugs, rather than punishing them.

  • A way that reduces harm.

  • A way that has huge economic and social benefits while reducing reliance on the black market.

  • A way that creates a safer system for our community.

Drug Policy Australia proudly advocates for a repair of Australia’s drug laws that would ultimately lead to a legally regulated system.

Renowned international author Johann Hari, former High Court Justice The Hon Michael Kirby, and leading addiction specialist Dr John Sherman have all joined the movement.

Sign our Petition calling for a Drug Royal Commission

We call on the Parliament to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into:

The health, social, economic, and law enforcement costs of the Drug Prohibition.

The laws do not stop people from using drugs or protect families. After 50 years of harsh enforcement, illicit drugs are more available than ever.

Will you help us convince the government that the war on drug users does more harm than good? 

I am one of 8 million otherwise law-abiding Australians who have used an illicit drug during their lifetime. I speak on behalf of the vulnerable and disenfranchised who will continue to use drugs regardless of the law. 

I put this case on behalf of all Australians who have been prosecuted, demeaned, and vilified for drug use, and for the many who have lost their freedom and even their lives pursuing an activity that should not be a crime. 

Surely there is a Better Way?

For more information call us on 03 9017 3777