How big a problem is ice use among Indigenous Australians?

     August 29, 2016 ·   · 1 reaction

  • How big a problem is ice use among Indigenous Australians?

    Nicole Lee, Curtin University and Sarah J MacLean, La Trobe University

    While rates of methamphetamine use in Australia have remained fairly stable at 2.1% over the past ten years, there has been a shift among people who use the lower-grade powdered form of methamphetamine (speed) to using the higher-grade crystal form (ice) in recent times.

    Ice is much stronger than speed and has the potential to cause greater problems.

    Purity and availability have increased, while the price of both speed and ice has decreased. The number of people using weekly or more has grown, which is an indication of dependence.

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  • A drug-free world is an impossible dream - UNGASS 2016

     April 18, 2016 ·  

  • A drug-free world is an impossible dream - UNGASS 2016

    In 1998, a special session of the United Nations General Assembly agreed to set a 10-year deadline to make the world "drug free". After an embarrassing failure to achieve this goal, the deadline was extended a further 10 years, setting the world up for another inevitable failure in 2019.

    In the intervening years, the use, availability and variety of illicit drugs have escalated exponentially. It is estimated by the UK charity Transform Foundation that 300 million people worldwide used illegal drugs in 2012, contributing to a global market with a turnover of $US330 billion a year.


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  • Australia's recreational drug policies aren't working, so what are the options for reform?

     March 27, 2016 ·   · 1 reaction

  • Australia's recreational drug policies aren't working, so what are the options for reform?

    Nicole Lee, Curtin University and Alison Ritter, UNSW Australia

    Some of the greatest harms from using illicit drugs are because they are illegal.

    Illegal drug production is unregulated and many drugs are manufactured in backyard labs. Users cannot be sure what’s in them or how potent they are, so the risk of adverse reactions, including overdose and death, is high.

    A large proportion of the work of the justice system – police, courts and prisons – is occupied with drug-related offences. Many people have a criminal record for possessing drugs intended for personal use, which can affect their work prospects.

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  • Kofi Annan on Why It's Time To Legalize Drugs

     February 25, 2016 ·   · 2 reactions

  • Kofi Annan on Why It's Time To Legalize Drugs

    Essay by Kofi Annan former Secretary-General of the United Nation

    In my experience, good public policy is best shaped by the dispassionate analysis of what in practice has worked, or not. Policy based on common assumptions and popular sentiments can become a recipe for mistaken prescriptions and misguided interventions.

    Nowhere is this divorce between rhetoric and reality more evident than in the formulation of global drug policies, where too often emotions and ideology rather than evidence have prevailed.

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  • The National Ice Action Strategy

     December 18, 2015 ·  

  • The National Ice Action Strategy

    Harm Reduction Australia’s Statement on the National Ice Action Strategy

    Harm Reduction Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s first step to shift from a law enforcement focus to a health-based approach to addressing drug issues in Australia.

    There is little doubt that the Government recognises the evidence and value of treating drug use as a health issue.

    However, if Australia’s response is to evolve, be agile and truly reflect the current evidence, then there is a pressing need for all governments to also embrace harm reduction as a critical component of their health based response to drug use.

    While demonstrating real progress, the recent announcement falls short of this mark.

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  • Drug Addiction in Australia

     October 28, 2015 ·  

  • "Drug Addiction in Australia" is a fascinating new book by Doctor John Sherman, an addiction specialist who is an expert in the treatment of heroin dependence.

    It is based on John’s experience working with heroin addicts in Melbourne over 40 years in specialist clinics in St Kilda and Footscray.

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